2013 marks the first year that my child (Cali) has participated in Halloween, it's my first time also ^.^ I know it's late however I wasn't able to make a post about this before seeing as I had no experience or knowledge. I want to briefly touch up on safety around Halloween and share our experience.
First house, Cali's eager! |
Halloween is a fun time each year where children (and adults) can dress up in costumes and go trick or treating. Surely it's all safe, clean fun, or is it? Read on.
Firstly, some people just don't want to participate, so you can imagine how annoying this is for them if they get children knocking on their door all night. Check our your countries police website as they should have a printable message that nicely refuses trick or treaters, or you can make one yourself. Your child may be disappointed or let down when they knock on somebody's door and no one answers but simply tell them that they may not be home, or they don't like Halloween.
Growing up we're taught to respect peoples privacy, so breaking this 'rule' can be a little uneasy. Seeing a house with Halloween decorations is a plus so try to stick to decorated houses and keep an eye out for other kids that are coming out of houses with candies to avoid disappointment.
Never take candy from strangers! Except on Halloween?!
My biggest fear about Halloween is 'poisonous candy'. Wrapped candy is always safer, so whether you're collecting candy or handing it out, go for wrapped sweets. If in doubt, throw it out.
Children are very vulnerable on Halloween, there are sickos out there, and this is a great opportunity for them to strike so stay in groups, stay in well lit areas and always have an adult per group for supervision.
Buy preparations/costumes well in advance, if you leave it till the last minute there's a very high chance of low stock.
Knock knock, is anyone home? |
Cali was Minnie Mouse this year, I curled her hair, applied gold glitter eyeshadow, a little bit of red lippie, pink flushed cheeks, a heart on her cheek and of course, a little button nose ^.^. Choosing face paint is a better idea so there's no vision being obstructed by masks, especially if your children are going out on there own. We went while it was still daylight, when she's older I'll possibly take her out later, it would definitely be spookier! We went to a total of 5 houses, 3 gave her candy and 2 'weren't' home, she had so much fun! She now assumes she can get candy from strangers houses though and I really don't like that, Halloween is so contradictory to common sense. We teach our children to never take candy from strangers, yet we allow it once a year. Be sure to talk to your child after about how it is just a one of thing to avoid confusion.
Trick or Treat? |
She was a very polite young girl, which brings me to another tip, be super polite! You/ your kids will probably get more candy for it! :)
Have fun, stay safe, be polite & brush your teeth a little extra after! :D If you don't feel comfortable with the thought of trick or treating yet you still want your child to experience Halloween, it can be just as fun staying at home, bring the spookiness to you with Halloween foods, games, movies, dress up and wait for children to come knocking if you choose to hand candies out :)
What did you and/or your child go as this year? What are you wanting to go as next year? Leave me a comment down below, I'd love to hear from you :) xx